May 7th, 2020  |  Published in CCFSO, Event by admin

Like other film festivals around the world the prospects for holding the 2020 Ottawa Canada-China Film Festival in a theatre are uncertain, but our preparation continues.  A key part of our preparation is monitoring 50 or more film festivals around the world for new and exciting films about China or Chinese-Canadians.  With many film festivals going online there is an opportunity for you to join us in viewing these films as they become available.  To that end as we identify a festival viewing opportunity we will post the relevant information on our Film Festival web page. The first tranche of films we have identified are available free throughout the month of May on CBC, for details see below.

Typically online festival films are only available for a limited period of time, sometimes there is only a single screening but sometimes film are available for up to a month or longer. Depending on the festival there may be opportunities to join an online discussion with a film maker.  Some festival films will be available free of charge.  For others there will be a fee to be paid to the festival, and in some situations the festival are partnering with an established commercial streaming service such as Netflix, Amazon Prime or CBC GEM, or a network broadcaster. Thus each festival will have its own technicalities for what you have to do to get access to the film.

We will endeavour to get you all the relevant information in a timely manner.  However, given the limited time availability of the film we will not typically be able to review the films to select the best of the best as we have done for our sit-in festivals.  This will be a more adventurous Festival of Festivals with its share of surprises and delights.

As we learn more about operating on this online world we hope to bring you interviews and Q&A sessions with film makers and artists, and we will explore other online resources that can add to the pleasure of Chinese and Canadian cinema.

If you know of an interesting festival or films that are available online, or would like to become part of our Festival team please contact us at contact.ccfso@gmail.com.